Some of the Giesbrecht Family - October 2014

Some of the Giesbrecht Family - October 2014
Many Giesbrecht Family Members - October 2014 - Join us for the reunion so we can get EVERYONE in a photo!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Giesbrecht Family Memories.... from Sarah's perspective

1967 Ferry Ad - not BC Ferry
Wow! Looks like Chad got us a great rate to head to from Nanaimo to Vancouver return for the family reunion! Ok, this might have been an ad from 1967 but I found it very interesting since my family moved from Fort MacMurray, Alberta to Port Alberni, BC in 1969. I am sure a car and passengers was a little more than $3.50 though.

My dad, Klaas Giesbrecht, eldest child of Abram and Justina moved with his wife Karon and two young children, Owen and Sarah (me) in 1969 shortly before my 3rd birthday. He decided to try life in BC and as he moved family followed.

Peter & Karen 
A few years later his brother Dave moved and raised his family with wife Marion and two sons Davie and Jamie. Youngest son, Peter came several years later and met the love of his life, Karen, married and raised their daughters, Trisha and Crystal - all in Port Alberni. The Giesbrecht migration had begun!

I remember over the years, driving in the early morning to Victoria, BC to pick up Grandma and Grandpa at the airport or at the ferry terminal in Nanaimo. Back then the BC Ferry had full service restaurants with waitresses. A memory that comes to mind, I must have been about 4 or so, not even sure if Chad had been born yet. Unlike now, kids did not get go to restaurants very often so it was a big deal to be sitting on the ferry in the restaurant, with my family and grandparents. Grandma had on a big blackish/brown fur coat, it may have been faux fur, I am not sure, I just remember her wrapped up in it. Grandpa was dressed for travelling in his pants, suspenders, dress shirt and fedora. 

Klaas, Owen & Sarah 1966
We all sat at the table, the waitress taking the order and Dad telling her what I would have. He ordered me "hot cakes". I was so excited! It was morning, we were on the ferry, on an adventure and I got to have HOT cake for breakfast! I couldn't wait for our food to be served! Finally, the food arrived and she handed everyone their plates, my eyes as big as saucers with anticipation, I am sure! Then, she placed my plate down with 3 steaming hot pancakes with big chunks of butter melting on them, hot syrup on the table. My face fell! Where were my HOT CAKES???? I knew better than to complain, we didn't go out much and there was no way I could be disrespectful in front of my grandparents, but my disappointment was evident. Dad, looked at me and said "Sally, what's wrong?" Softly I replied, "Nothing..... " Him again, "What's the problem?" Me still quiet but my voice rising, "Nothing, but I thought I was having HOT cakes?" He laughed! Grandma twittered, Grandpa even smiled. Dad said "Pancakes ARE hot cakes, it is just another name for them." Life lesson, hot cake is not a breakfast food but the pancakes were still really good.

Abe, Lynn, Angie & Wade
Over the years many family members traveled to the island. Terry, Annie's son, even spent some time staying with us when he was in his late teens. I will never forget his platform boots with the shiny flowery lining. Agnes and family all came to visit one summer and Dad took Doug fishing and the rest of us all spent hours on the boat on Sproat and Central lakes jumping into he water and swimming. Donna and Barb were just about out of high school then. Abe and family spent holidays with us and I recall the brothers all admiring motorbikes and buzzing around the property.  Much of the Giesbrecht family spent their years on Vancouver Island and area and there is much history there - Chad and Trish hope that family can make it out to the reunion so they can continue to share how the BC Giesbrecht's lived. Bill and Grace and family also came to the island one year if memory serves me correctly. Almost all made it at one point or another.

Dave, Klaas, Peter, Abe
Dad and Mom wanted us to know our family so every other summer or Christmas we traveled to Alberta and stayed for a few weeks. Our time was spent driving for hours from Coalhurst to Picture Butte to Pincher Creek to Lethbridge and out to Aunt Eva's farm. Owen spent many a night working with Doug and Aunt Eva's boys, out chicken catching on the farm for extra cash. During the days went they weren't chicken catching they were out hunting ground hogs - Chad got to help with that too. Although I am not too sure how much he enjoyed that. The long Alberta highways seemed so straight and endless to me, of course the highways weren't developed like today and we seemed to be on many secondary and tertiary roads - which was fun for me since I tended to get car sick.

Klaas, Karon, Owen, Sarah & Chad
Those trips allowed us to get to have relationships with Mom and Dad's family since so many were still in the general Southern Alberta area. Aunt Agnes hosted us and let us camp out almost every trip. I was always so glad to pull across the highway and train tracks into Coalhurst and pull onto her street. The trip was over!

Well, just a few family memories for me today. Does anyone else have thoughts they would like to share? Memories? How about the Family Reunion in 1976 I think - at the Eagle Crest campground in Saskatchewan... Please send in pictures, thoughts and memories to share with our family and remember if you click the link on the right hand side of the page to be added to the email you will automatically be added to the blog updates! Happy Saturday Everyone!

Lots of love, From Sarah aka Sally in New Brunswick

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